7+ Tips to Monetize Your Blog and Make Money from Blogging

260820131 Monetize Your Blog

It’s a dream of every blogger to make their blog popular. Once the blog becomes popular they try to find better and easy ways to generate income from their blog. I have mentioned 8 tips to monetize your blog and start generating money from your blogging efforts.

1) PPC

 PPC Program

In the ppc advertising, Google Adsense and Yahoo Bing Contextual Ads Network are the most popular and widely used option today. They provide contextual ads (text or images) based on your content and give you money when someone clicks on the ads.
Your income from Adsense depends on several things like below one.
Advertisers bid on keywords so if you write about a topic that is in the list of high earning keywords then each click will be worth a lot more than another topic.
There are many PPC Advertising networks available today to monetize your blog, if you want to know about more than 30+ Best Advertising Networks, click on the link.
2) Cost Per Thousand Impression Advertising (CPI)

260820133 Cost Per Impression

Cost per impression is a term used in online advertising, often expressed as Cost per Thousand Impressions. Cost per impression (CPI) is derived from advertising cost and the number of impressions.
Cost per impression = Advertising cost ÷ Number of Impressions
CPM advertisements gives you money per impression. Readers don’t need to do anything for you to be paid. You just need to serve the advertisements to them. It’s not necessary you get money for each impression. Rates can go as low as $0.10 per thousand impressions that is very low. But still it’s a good option to monetize your blog.
3) CPA


CPA sometimes known as PPA is an online advertising pricing model where the advertiser gives money for the ad when the desired action has occurred. An action can be a purchase, a form submission and so on.
In other terms, viewers/readers don’t just need to click on the ads but they have to do something, either they have to purchase or sign up/register. Some web sites are much better suited for CPA ads to monetize your blog so this type of advertising can be a good choice.
4) Put Advertising Space at Your Web Site
260820135 Your Ad Here
If your blog is on the top of most popular search engines with huge visitors to your blog then advertise space at your blog can be good idea. You can register on buysellads.com and generate a good amount of revenue from the advertising space. By this way your blog will generate money for you while you sleep.
5) Text Links Advertising
It is easy to get and put text links ads at your web site. You don’t have to do so much work for it, just register to text link advertising website and get a code. Once you installed this code to your website, text link ads start showing up at your website.
260820137 Text Link Ads
Rates of text link ads are based on your PR and it depends on how many other web sites link to your web page. If your page often get linked and mentioned then text links may be profitable for your web site.
6) In-text Advertising

260820136 In-Text Advertising

In-text advertisements look attractive to many web site owners. The greatest things about these ads are they attached to some text in your content and shows as underlined or double-underlined words which are clickable. Some of them pop up when mouse rolls over a word.
7) Paid Writing
260820138 Paid Writing
It is obvious that if you are a good writer then paid writing can be another great option to get the money from the blog. You can advertise on your blog that you are available to write for others blog. Many website owners hire paid writers for their websites so paid writing can be a good idea to monetize your blog.
8) Write E-Books

260820139 Write Ebook

Last but not the least, writing an e-book is another great way to generate some revenue from your blog. You can offer your E-book on sale through your blog. Many website owners sell their e-books on 33% or 50% sale to get some money from the blog.  Write E-Books on latest trendy topics like “How to become successful in Blogging Career” or just like that. There are multiple methods of promotion, so choose smartly which suit you best.
7+ Tips to Monetize Your Blog and Make Money from Blogging 7+ Tips to Monetize Your Blog and Make Money from Blogging Reviewed by Unknown on 00:06 Rating: 5

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