Productivity enhancing browser shortcuts

             Productivity enhancing browser shortcuts

I am a busy Mom, and to be honest, I don’t get a lot of free time to spend surfing the Internet. Every second I get online is precious, as I never know when I will hear “MOMMY”or have to interrupt my search to go squish a spider or rescue the Army guy that somehow managed to fall into the toilet. That being said, you can only imagine my excitement when I stumbled across ways to make the beloved time go a little farther. Although I will admit it took a bit for me to get used to using the keyboard and the shortcuts rather than my trusty old mouse, the benefits have been great!
Ctrl+Tab will allow you to switch between tabs you have opened in your browser.  This shortcut actually takes you to the tab on the right of the current tab you’re on while adding the SHIFT key to the combination will take you to the tab on the left.  Very handy if you’re comparing items on different sites.  Switch to the tab to the right of the current one.
 Alt+Home  Depending on your browser, this will either open your homepage or the New Tab page.  I use this quite often when my surfing of one item leads me to researching another, which usually leads to yet another.  It’s never as simple as it starts out to be!
 Alt+Enter  Opens the location currently displayed in the address bar in a new tab.  If you want to open a whole new browser window, Ctrl + N is what you want to do,but I like the Alt + Enter function as it’s still easy to toggle back and forth between tabs.  Both of these shortcuts are lifesavers!
 Ctrl+Enter  I love this one!!!  This code automatically adds ‘www’ and ‘.com’ to the beginning and end of a word in the address bar.  Finding a little Mommy down time on Facebook is now quick and easy!
 Ctrl+Shift+T  Reopen the last-closed tab. An invaluable shortcut if you’ve just closed a tab accidentally.  I am forever clicking on the “x” to close a tab by accident, usually only after I’ve spent way too much time to get to the page I was on.  Not a worry any more my friend!
  Ctrl+L, Alt+D, or F6 Any of these three shortcuts will move your cursor to the address bar and highlight the text so you can type a new URL or search query quickly.  Very useful when switching between sites.
 I know there are many more, and some of these may not work in all browsers, but it’s a great starting point for most any everyday Internet user.  Like I said above, it takes a few tries, or should I say weeks, to get used to using these time savers, but once you do get used to it, you will thank me for it!
Productivity enhancing browser shortcuts Productivity enhancing browser shortcuts Reviewed by Tutorial Site on 11:47 Rating: 5

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